Paige joins the Mattel WWE line as part of the Elite 34 series. It's a Helluva set, with "modern" Hulk Hogan, Rusev and Doink the Clown all making their Elite figure debuts. As I always note, the Elite female figures are built the same as the Basic Divas, although they include accessories. Those accessories are likely part of the popularity of the Paige figure, but we'll get to that.

As far as the facial likeness, there is no doubt that this is Paige. From the cleft in her chin to the lip piercing to those dark eyes, Paige certainly transferred well into figure form. I had never before paid attention to the fact that she has an interesting hair style. As far as this figure goes, her hair is only long on the sides with it cut to her neckline in the back. Her hair flails around so much in matches that I wouldn't have noticed this, but it is a unique style to be sure unless Mattel took some creative license.

While not my early runner-up for "Figure of the Year" (that vote would go to her Elite Series-mate Rusev), it's definitely a solid figure. It's also definitely a hot figure right now, but unless you want the "First Time In The Line" figure of Paige, you could honestly wait. Paige is probably the most popular Diva in the company with no signs of stopping. Unlike many of the Mattel Diva figures, we can safely predict that this will not be the last of Paige. She will see more releases, and I wouldn't be shocked to see another Elite release featuring Paige in her jacket down the line. As for the NXT Women's Championship, I would imagine that it will make another appearance a bit further down the line. Mattel isn't going to tool an accessory for one single release. It would certainly make a great accessory for a Charlotte figure in the future.
The former Britani Knight makes for a great action figure. Her unique look sets her away from the stereotypical blonde WWE Diva. That, in addition to loads of charisma and great in-ring skills, make me hope that she sticks with the business for the long haul. It's in her blood, and you can't get more devoted than that.
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