Saturday, September 21, 2024

The Iron Claw Grips The Figure World

The Von Erich family has risen! While they’ve never been a footnote, I’d say that the mainstream popularity of the name is as high in 2024 as it’s been since their fabled glory days. A very good chunk of that is thanks to A24’s movie “The Iron Claw.” I saw it, you have probably seen it and, aside from an absolutely atrocious portrayal of Ric Flair, it was quite the flick. Yes, some things were changed. Mike and Chris sort of became one person. But that’s Hollywood. It told their story and got the point across.

This summer I was fortunate enough to meet Kevin Von Erich again. He is such a humble and positive person that, despite all of the tragedy surrounding his family, he is absolutely uplifting to listen to. He seems impossible to rattle. He has strong beliefs and that is what has undoubtedly gotten him through some very dark times. Now, in a way, Kevin has returned to our figure shelves, as well.

The only true Kevin Von Erich figure, released in the original Mattel WWE Legends line nearly fifteen years ago, is a treasure. It’s a fairly perfect figure and that, unfortunately for those of you who missed out, keeps the popularity high. I had first met KVE just before the release of that figure. Since he was doing regular appearances at the time I thought to buy a second one to keep carded to be autographed. Due to his move and other factors that didn’t end up happening until 2024, but I’m glad that it did. Now we have another figure of KVE, this time in the form of Zac Efron.

Yes, Zac Efron. Of course, Mr. Efron is the actor who plays Kevin in “The Iron Claw.” The figure can be purchased directly from A24 at their website and caused a bit of a stir when it was first announced. First off, it seemed to come out of nowhere. Secondly, the figure looked a heckuva lot like the Mattel Kevin Von Erich in the initial pictures. Believe it or not, it does in-hand, too! But is that where the similarities end?

The figure comes carded with a traditional glued on bubble. It’s a nice design that looks like something you could’ve purchased in the past. Maybe not in the ‘80s when the film is (mostly) set, but it definitely harkens back. The other Von Erich actors are shown and named on the back but I doubt we’ll be seeing figures. I guess there’s a chance, and I would certainly buy them all, but a little research into the A24 movie phenomenon indicates that the company is fairly well known for quirky merchandise tie-ins around the time of a film’s release. I think that this figure and a few other items that were produced are all that we’ll see for “The Iron Claw.”

Zac Kevin comes dressed in an entrance jacket. The two-toned garment is made from a nice fabric and could be placed on Mattel Kevin. It’s a bit tough to get over the “claw” hand. If the hands are removable I won’t know because I wasn’t giving it a shot. So how’s the figure itself? It isn’t brittle, but it isn’t as sturdy as the Mattel release, either. It’s not going to fall apart in your hand but I don’t know that I’d put it up to super rough play. Ultimately many figures today are made more for display than anything. It will look great either there or in some figure photography, as you can see here.

It does resemble the mechanics of a Mattel Elite and certainly mirrors their version of Kevin, but it’s not exactly the same. A Toronto-based company named Happy Worker Toys & Collectibles is credited on the packaging. A quick look at their website indicates that they’ve produced other short-run and specialized action figures. They did a nice job here. Again, if Kerry, David, Fritz and Mike were to come along at some point I’d certainly pick them all up. Are you listening?

I don’t like to speculate on value too much, but if I had to give you a “hot stock pick” this one would certainly be on my list. We have no idea how big the run is and/or how long A24 will be offering it. I’ve actually considered picking up an additional one myself. Whether or not I drag my feet on that is one thing, but you grabbing one is another matter. If you enjoyed the movie or are even just a Von Erich fan I would highly encourage it. It’s not an inexpensive figure by any means, but it’s also fairly unique. Mattel and Jazwares aren’t giving us Von Erich nor Iron Claw figures. Am I being an influencer here? God forbid.

I’m pleased as punch about the Von Erich resurgence. It’s well-deserved and has been a long time coming. Grab this new fig, support any future figs (PowerTown, we need some more brothers to keep the Kerry releases company) and if you have the shot go out and meet Kevin. Helluva guy and a helluva wrestling legend.

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