Although I've discussed conventions, fanfests, and indy shows on here before, these particular entries can be looked at as an entertaining "FAQ" file, if you will. Following a lot of great recent feedback asking for stories of meeting wrestlers or getting particular items signed, this will also most likely serve as a prelude to more entries along those lines.

There's actually no better time to do entries such as these. The nice weather on this side of the United States brings about better opportunities to travel thus more conventions are scheduled. It should be noted upfront that if you're unable to travel, you should find another hobby. I see countless comments around cyberspace of folks complaining that shows such as these don't come to their area. Promoters find a profitable area and stick to it. Promoters also find areas that are generally accessible with special lodging (and occasionally travel) rates for convention-goers. If these breaks still keep traveling a dream rather than a reality--find a buddy or six. Nothing makes a trip better than having your friends along. In fact, sometimes the good times with friends become more memorable than the shows themselves.

While I discussed the logistics of these shows in my NWA Fanfest preview from last year, there's no harm in doing so again. Each event offers a package called a "Superticket" or "VIP Pass." Purchasing one of these packages will grant you admission to the show and one autograph

After being asked how I've met so many wrestling personalities, I'm occasionally asked a follow-up question. That question being, "Why would you pay for an autograph?" The following paragraph

Stars, be it wrestlers, actors, or other athletes, do not come to these shows out of the goodness of their hearts. It is a job. They are being paid by the promoters of the show to be there. They are leaving their friends/family/whoever to do a job. The promoters are not putting the shows on for free, either. Many (but not all) of these stars would be very willing to give you a rushed autograph and photo somewhere out in the world. Me? Personally, I'd rather travel to one place where I can meet any number of stars at one time. I can get a nice, posed photo with the star (possibly even in gimmick) suitable for print/display/whatever and have my item signed on a table with a nice full signature. If you still would like all of this without

Now that we've gone through the "rough" stuff, Part 2 will be full of the stuff you really wanna know. What stars are booked on what shows? Is Dennis Stamp booked? (He was!) How much fun will you really have? And yes, I will even let you know that with a little research, you may find that you can rub shoulders with the greats right in your backyard...or at least region.
To Be Continued!
Great post.
Thanks! I've got something for you as well, just been real busy/sick. I'll send it over to you soon!
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