With the exception of "Macho Man" Randy Savage, nearly every wrestling star has done a "modern" autograph signing appearance. Yes, even Dennis Stamp has been booked. While many factors go into talent appearing, it should be obvious to anyone that stars cannot continue to be booked on every show. While some fans have an endless supply of items for various stars to

Many shows base their talent lineup around trends in memorabilia collecting. If a talent is included in a "hot" item that is begging to be signed, their phones are much more likely to be ringing than not. During the height of Jakks WWE Classic Superstars figure line, many collectors

While some shows focus on the autograph aspect of fandom, others strive to make it a more personal experience. The multiple-day NWA Fanfest promoted by Greg Price is a complete celebration of pro wrestling's glory days while still extending a ray of hope towards modern wrestling that is continuing tradition. No

Perhaps the most poignant fact of these shows is remembering times spent with stars who are no longer with us. It's no secret that each and

Of course, conventions are not the only places that you might be able to meet your heroes. A quick internet search can pop up various independent wrestling promotions around the country. These promotions often book wrestling legends on their shows in order to boost attendance. These

Obtaining autographs and photos from your favorite stars is always a thrill, but occasionally there will be an extra special moment that defines your entire experience. Seeing two stars reunite after many years. A star taking special interest in an item you're having signed.

Even with all of the words and photos, the only way to truly experience the things I've illustrated on this blog over the past few years is to join the party. It's never too late and never a disappointment. Be it that you want to get that old magazine signed or just finally go beyond simply being a face in the crowd, welcome to the world of fan interaction. Be prepared to make more memories than televised wrestling has given you in years.
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