Just like at every other LOTR event there is a massive amount of wrestling talent, past and present, to meet. Two of the biggest for me personally were Joanie "Chyna" Laurer and Japanese legend Jushin "Thunder" Liger. In my many travels I had not yet had the opportunity

Chyna's roller coaster life of the past few years may just be a thing of the past. Each and every fan who took the opportunity to meet the former Intercontinental Champion was more than pleasantly surprised. Ms. Laurer was humble, gracious, and attentive. Appearing nothing like the proverbial train wreck that has been covered by the media in recent years, Chyna will hopefully be another success story after falling from grace.

Presented by New Japan Pro Wrestling, Jushin "Thunder" Liger seemed as excited to be at LOTR as his fans were to meet him. It was truly an experience to see the mask recognizable to U.S. fans for his amazing WCW matches of the '90s. When the wrestlers exude the same enthusiasm as the fans, it makes the experience all the better.
Of course, these were not the only two names available to meet. Vader, Ken Shamrock, MVP, Carlito, Bill Eadie and Barry Darsow (Ax and Smash) in their Masked Superstar and Krusher Kruschev gimmicks, Maria Kanellis, Jim Ross, Johnny V, The Godwinns,

A special mention goes out to former WCW announcer and current voice of TNA Mike Tenay. Mr. Tenay had to be one of the most personable wrestling personalities I have ever met. His own roots in wrestling as a fan showed greatly as he interacted with convention attendees and

Be it the autographs, the photos, or simply getting to shake a hand and say "thank you," the experience of shows such as these is truly something that you cannot get anywhere else. Be it Legends of the Ring, Signamania, or NWA Fanfest, the true wrestling fan should attend at least one of these

Everyone wins in events like these. Fans are able to meet the stars that defined the business and the wrestlers have brand new gigs. For some of the stars, though, I believe the true payoff is finally getting to know what an impact they had on so many lives. I can't imagine anything could soothe the pains of the wrestling business greater than that.
Needs more mention of how I went. Whoever took that pic of you and Chyna did a damn fine job.
Awesome stuff. Thanks for sharuing it on my site.
WAATTKKOOOO..this is awesome. Your writing is ridiculous and makes me want to read more. You can definitely tell you enjoy every second of writing these blogs. I think its amazing that even at our age (even though you're a bit older than I am) it seems you're a bigger fan than ever. The gimmicks and characters we grew up with are far better than a lot and I mean a lot of the characters they have these days. You should try to write some shows. haha
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