Christian could be considered a "Marty Jannetty." Taking nothing away from the recently ended career of Edge, I've always felt Christian seemed to be the better of the two. "The Look" is perhaps the only thing that Edge

Either way you look at it, both superstars define the late '90s through 2000's in professional wrestling. From tag team, to mid-card, to main eventing WrestleMania, Edge sampled every level of stardom that WWE has to offer. His look, style, and ability to morph his persona appealed to several different eras of WWF/WWE fan.
Christian visited those same plateaus on a bit lesser level. While Captain Charisma spent less time as a main event star, for a considerable amount of time he was an Internet darling and, at one point, was thought to be the free agent who would take TNA to the top. Although Christian gained two NWA Championship reigns

Now that Christian has had a steady return run in WWE and Edge has unexpectedly retired, it's uncertain what the future holds for the Brood "brothers." What is certain is that Christian's fans are as vocal as ever. His recent one-night title reign was met with great displeasure which was loudly voiced to WWE management.
One place that Christian's fans should certainly be satisfied is in the merchandising department. Like most of the top stars of the "Attitude Era," both Edge and Christian received top treatment. Mattel, WWE's current toy licensee, has released several figures of both stars.
Christian's latest figure is available in a two-pack just like his figures of over a decade ago. This time the partner isn't Edge. Based upon the rookie-mentor scenario in the first season of WWE

The Heath Slater figure marks the first release of an NXT or Nexus figure. The figure has the familiar "N" armband signifying his allegiance to Nexus. Although figure releases have always been months after characters and story lines are fresh on television, this figure is particularly jarring. When the NXT Rookies initially

Mattel seems to be adapting their manufacturing practices with these figures both positively and negatively. The joints of the figures seem much less stiff than offerings of last year. Detail remains excellent and the facial

Although my ever-hated torso joints are not present here, I did notice something that may upset some collectors. Mattel had planned a commitment to making individual torso sculpts for each figure. I did not notice a change in this until now. Both figures in this pack use the same torso. While this is not a big deal to me (especially living through the days of the AWA Remco line where EVERY figure had one of two torsos), some collectors are sure to be bothered.

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