In the world of the 1960's, a somewhat less optimistic America, fans had their own regional hero to root for, often reflecting the racial divides of the time. Nowhere was this more evident than with northeast wrestling idol Bruno Sammartino. Thrilling the immigrant populations in cities like New York, Pittsburgh, and Philadelphia, Sammartino proved to be a hero not only in the ring but out of it as well. To this day, baby boomers who grew up in Pittsburgh will regale anyone who asks with tales of watching Bruno with their steel worker fathers and grandfathers. Those fathers, often

When wrestling went national in the 1980's, the sport followed the rest of the country by partaking in the "decade of excess." Bright lights, big cities, and bulging biceps became the gold standard of pro wrestling and on top of it all was Hulk Hogan. Even with detractors who felt that the sport was no longer what they grew up on, there were probably more new fans enjoying the escape of pro

Wrestling may have achieved its zenith of escapism in the still wildly popular "Attitude Era" of the late '90s. Stone Cold Steve Austin's long running feud with Mr. McMahon was the first topic of discussion around watercoolers and at bus stops nearly every Tuesday morning. Similar to the arrival of the Hogan era, many fans of previous time periods weren't as engaged with the "beer bashes" of the Austin reign, although fifteen years later the time is still fondly remembered.
I've often deemed myself as the luckiest of wrestling fans. I say this because I'm able to enjoy most every style of wrestling that's been offered over the years. Never one to believe in the questionable idea of "workrate," I can enjoy a match pitting Akeem against Koko B. Ware as much as I can enjoy a Brisco-Funk exhibition.
I could never rate a match using the infamous "star ratings system" because I simply don't look at a match that way. Some of the best personal wrestling "comfort food" for me are the early WrestleMania events. Often damned by "fans" who feel that they're above these cards, I can't

It's more than the matches that bring us back. It's the comforting feeling of familiarity. Many of us don't get that from the current product, but I sincerely hope and believe that many people do. In the way that the fans from past eras enjoyed their stars, I hope that the fans of today (especially children) have fond memories in the decades ahead of John Cena, CM

After all, it's memorable names, moments, and action that keep this business alive. It's the business that provides a wide variety of each to keep any kind of fan happy. A perfect circle if there ever was one.
Add in watching it on weekend nights after eating Mexican, Chinese, or fast food...then snacking on chips and cookies by the light of a Christmas tree or the hum of an A/C, and debating what the theme of the evening should be.
PS - Now that your sig is on the main page, I can spot the fakes for sale on Ebay!
You have to buy one of my magazines and get me to sign it, otherwise one of those eBay fakes will have to due!
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