It's similarly unreal to think that just this past January, many factors had led fans to believe that 2011 would be a "comeback year" of sorts for Savage. A

With the 2010 announcement of the Defining Moments Randy Savage figure, Mattel made it clear that more figures of the legend would be on the horizon. The first to hit stores was in a series of 2-packs packaging a legend and current star together to capitalize on the release of the WWE All-Stars video game. Savage, clad in green tights, was packaged with John Morrison. Many fans

While this series has been available for a few months now, many Toys "R" Us stores are receiving the wave as part of a Vince McMahon figure promotion. Select locations will have a cardboard corrugate display packed with a variety of Mattel's WWE toys. If certain figures (including WWE Legends, Defining Moments, and Deluxe) are purchased within a

There's no better way to obtain the McMahon figure than purchasing figures of those who made his business what it is today. No one reflects this more than Randy Savage himself, especially during the era of which this figure represents.
Savage is most remembered wearing the orange tights around the time of his first WWF title reign. A pink variation on the tights came a bit earlier and was represented in

This Mattel production comes complete with removable sunglasses, "Macho Man" bandanna, and "Macho Man" t-shirt. The bandanna and shirt are amazingly detailed and are exact replicas of the actual items. For reference, the aforementioned All-Stars 2-pack version of this figure includes the bandanna and glasses but not the t-shirt.
The paint detailing is sharp and very accurate to the costume. "Tape" painted onto the hands is always welcome and seeing as that this is the same head sculpt as was used for the Defining Moments Savage, I'm still pleased. It's a great likeness and the holes used to hold the sunglasses

I like this figure but I'm not as overwhelmed with it as I was with the Defining Moments figure. When both figures were announced, I thought for sure that I would prefer this version as this is my favorite look of the Macho Man.
As amazing as the t-shirt accessory is, I'm ultimately disappointed in its inclusion. I would've much preferred one of his robes from the era. Certainly a robe accessory made of a bit thinner material and some light decoration (think Jakks Classic Superstars Michael P.S. Hayes robe) wouldn't have upped production costs. In fact, costs may have been lower to

This is a nice figure and certainly one that you'll want to pick up if you're going for the McMahon promotion. If you simply want a Mattel figure of Savage, you may want to look elsewhere. While a bit higher in price, the Defining Moments Savage is already my choice for figure of the year and has been since I first reviewed it. Mattel has already said that we have not seen the last of Savage in

If these figures prove anything it is that Randy Savage's legacy, even in merchandising, will be requiring a lot of "Pomp and Circumstance" for some time to come.
Ohhh yeah...
I was looking around for a place about wrestling memorabilia because I'm looking to sell a couple ringside pictures & a sticker of Macho Man Randy Savage. I came to your site, but I wasn't able to email you because my default email isn't working.
Would you know about where I can go to sell these? Thanks for your time! My email is darla_isme@yahoo.ca Darleen
Hi Darleen,
Your best bet would be eBay. Everyone looking for Macho Man items will see them and hopefully bid!
ooooohhhhhhhhhh yeah!!!!, I have the little randy savage of the 90's
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