"WWE Raw-The Beginning-The Best Of Seasons 1 & 2" was released on DVD in 2010. While not a season set with each and every full episode that many fans have long asked for, this four-disc set was released long after it became apparent that WWE had no intentions of releasing full episodes or pay-per-views for much of anything from the past.
The early years of Raw are very different from what current fans think of the show as today. The idea was to have a wrestling show emanating from smaller, more intimate locations where absolutely anything could happen. Many of the segments featured squash matches, where big name WWF superstars were pitted in one-ended contests against preliminary talent. Although these are occasionally done today if the situation calls for it and preliminary talent still exists (i.e. Dolph Ziggler), the business largely abandoned that sort of presentation once the competitiveness of the Monday Night Wars called for nonstop stars to capture all-important ratings.
Nevertheless, these early episodes usually contained one quality "main event" match, and those are ultimately what is presented here. The WWF had not quite adopted their "New Generation" mantra of the mid-1990's, and it may surprise some as to just how many '80s stars continued to shine here. From the unarguable first classic match of Monday Night Raw featuring Mr. Perfect vs Ric Flair, to a generous dose of the greatness of early Doink the Clown (as portrayed by Matt Borne), the WWF roster of the time was nowhere as weak as some critics would have you believe.
When I mentioned the Doinkster, I wasn't clowning around. From the cover of the collection to at least ten appearances in the set itself, the Doink character is firmly represented. Beneath the paint, Doink had an incredible technical wrestler in Borne. That, coupled with great psychology and his ability to actually make the character evil, leaves little doubt as to why fans fondly remember Doink's initial WWF stint.

What I really enjoyed were segments and vignettes that really haven't been replayed or re-released by WWE all that often. Things like Jarrett's "Double J" intro vignettes and Jim Cornette shockingly debuting on Raw while Bobby Heenan explodes with joy are finally here to be seen once again in original broadcast quality. Even some of those wacky early Raw commercials and the infamous July 4, 1993 "Bodyslam Challenge" have made it onto the set.
Monday Night Raw, like everything else in wrestling, was a completely different animal then. For those who weren't around then and only know the current product, the differences would probably be jarring. I know that the new product will never go back to smaller venues due to business, but certainly something from these days could be incorporated into the style and look. Seventeen years of the screen, stage, and ramp that came with the "Raw Is War" title are about ten years stale already.

Overall, this is a surprisingly fun set that deserves at least one go-around in the DVD player. Seeing as that I did not miss viewing a single Raw episode as it was aired until a good fourteen or so years after its debut, I can tell you that these DVDs really capture the feeling and atmosphere of what Raw was. Some rumors have said that the WWE home video lineup will be available on the upcoming Network. If that turns out to be the case, this set might be one to dog ear for required viewing. Whether it does show up or doesn't, this is a four-disc set worthy of space on any shelf...uncut, uncensored, and uncooked.
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